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The Constructive Secular Forum

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CSF Announcements

Big Milestone: After a year of research and writing we are now in the process of
launching a new Palestine Series next week!

We are in the process of making technical and layout changes to the website
in order to launch this new series. All standard notifications have been disabled
while we're testing, so please ignore if you still get any this week.
A launch update will be published next week.

Please note that as you hover your cursor over any of the categories in the
menu you will see a dynamic highlight reel showing the last 4 articles
published in each category. Click on the category to go to its page and
to see all articles published in that category.

Intelligent Design?

Is our species the work of an intelligent designer, placing us in an optimal environment? Despite logical flaws, the scientific evidence and legal setbacks...

“George Pell’s death symbolises the demise of a church out of touch and out of time” by Francis Sullivan

An article written by Francis Sullivan for The Guardian, published on 12 January 2023 A link to the original article: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/commentisfree/2023/jan/12/george-pells-death-symbolises-the-demise-of-a-church-out-of-touch-and-out-of-time A Few Comments by JJ...

The Voyage of the Beagle

On this day 191 years ago (on 27 December 1831) the HMS Beagle, under the command of the 26-year-old Captain Robert Fitzroy, set sail...

Russell Blackford

Russell Blackford is an interesting and talented Australian academic with broad interests and qualifications in different fields. Dr Russell Blackford is a Conjoint Senior...

The CSF Morality Series, Part 4: The Supposed “Judeo-Christian” Foundation of Western Civilization

One of the most common claims by Christian apologetics, conservative politicians and bloggers alike is that “Judeo-Christian” values form the foundation of Western Civilization...

Latest Memes

About Us

The Constructive Secular Forum (CSF) is

1. A virtual Forum, attempting to primarily provide a community, information, analysis and rational discussion opportunities for secularists
2. Secular, in the sense that it promotes critical thinking, an openly secular lifestyle, and normalizing secularism, while challenging invalid religious claims and its disproportionate influence
3. Constructive, as it values diversity and civil discourse at all times. There is no point in personal insults, name-calling and generally being obnoxious towards anybody.