
The Secrets to Christianity’s Historical Success

Given the content of the Bible, Christian dogma and Christianity's violent history (which most 21st century Christians seem totally oblivious of), it is quite surprising that Christianity still has more than 2 billion followers...

The CSF Morality Series, Part 2: Does Christianity have an Objective Morality?

Section 1: Introduction "One of the greatest tragedies in mankind's entire history may be that morality was hijacked by religion" - Arthur C. Clarke [1] In Part 1, “Introduction to the CSF Morality Series”, I provided...

Introduction to the CSF

Welcome to the Constructive Secular Forum and the Launch of its Website on 4 March 2022! We’re very pleased with this big milestone! The CSF is: A virtual Forum, attempting to primarily provide a community, information,...

The CSF Morality Series, Part 1: Introduction to the CSF Morality Series

“Either ethical principles, such as justice and human rights, are independent of human experience, or they are human inventions… Every thoughtful person has an opinion on which premise is correct. But the split is...

Christianity becomes the Official Religion of the Roman Empire

The first Historic Moment, selected for the launch of the CSF, is 27 February 380. This event was selected, because It is arguably one on of the most significant historic events of all time, which...

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