JJ Brits

JJ runs The CSF as a modest contribution to promote critical thinking, an openly secular lifestyle, and normalizing Secularism, while challenging invalid religious claims and its disproportionate influence. He is based in Australia, and is writing a book on his journey through religion. His primary interest and research focus is Morality, as he is convinced that humanity will have to develop a more rational, tolerant and inclusive morality, in order to survive on our planet. JJ used to be a devout Christian and a qualified Minister of Religion, with a Masters Degree in Theology. He spent two years working on a PhD in Systematic Theology as he contemplated an academic career. These 8 years of full-time studies, seriously looking for answers in Theology, Philosophy, History and Science, led him to leave religion and his career, as the Christian scripture, dogmas, claims and history could not hold up to rational scrutiny.



Palestine Series, Episode 2 – The Rise and Fall of the Israelites and their Kingdoms during the Bronze and Iron Ages

Mesopotamia during the Bronze Age is often regarded as the Cradle of Human Civilization, and for good reason, which makes it a fascinating region to study. It developed around the fertile delta of the...

Palestine Series, Episode 1 – A Proposed Multi-Layered Model of the Zionist Narrative

The focus of this short episode is my proposed Multi-Layered Model of the Zionist Narrative. It will be used as a framework for the entire Palestine Series. I also cover other key terminology, a...

Palestine – A Historical and Secular Perspective

As the smoke of war started to settle early in the 20th century, the political future of historical Palestine became a burning and high profile issue due to the fall of the Ottoman Empire...

Intelligent Design?

Is our species the work of an intelligent designer, placing us in an optimal environment? Despite logical flaws, the scientific evidence and legal setbacks intelligent design (ID) is showing surprising staying power.  We will...

Russell Blackford

Russell Blackford is an interesting and talented Australian academic with broad interests and qualifications in different fields. Dr Russell Blackford is a Conjoint Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Newcastle in New...

“George Pell’s death symbolises the demise of a church out of touch and out of time” by Francis Sullivan

An article written by Francis Sullivan for The Guardian, published on 12 January 2023 A link to the original article: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/commentisfree/2023/jan/12/george-pells-death-symbolises-the-demise-of-a-church-out-of-touch-and-out-of-time A Few Comments by JJ Brits The death of Cardinal George Pell on 10 Jan 2023...

The Voyage of the Beagle

On this day 191 years ago (on 27 December 1831) the HMS Beagle, under the command of the 26-year-old Captain Robert Fitzroy, set sail from Plymouth, England to survey the South American coastline and...

Carl Sagan

On this day 26 years ago (on 20 Dec 1996) one of the outstanding secular thinkers and ambassadors for science died much too soon from complications of a rare bone marrow disease at the...