Secular Thinkers

Carl Sagan

On this day 26 years ago (on 20 Dec 1996) one of the outstanding secular thinkers and ambassadors for science died much too soon from complications of a rare bone marrow disease at the...

Bart Ehrman

Bart Ehrman celebrated his 67th birthday a few days ago. He is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a well-known New...

David Hume

In about 2 weeks we commemorate 246 years since the passing of the great Scottish Philosopher and Historian, David Hume, on 25 August 1776 at the age of 65. I regard him as one...

Thomas Jefferson

279 Years ago, on 13 April 1743, Thomas Jefferson was born in Virginia. He went on to become the Governor of Virginia (1779-1781), followed by becoming The US Minister to France (1785-1789), Benjamin Franklin’s...

Bertrand Russell

The first noteworthy Secular Thinker we cover at the launch is the British Philosopher, Logician and Mathematician, Bertrand Russell. He was selected for a variety of reasons: The 52nd commemoration of his death 4 weeks...

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